Sunday, February 22, 2009

Finding Your Name

Original Date: 2/22/09

God had showed me a while back about names and the power of a name. A name is prophetic. It establishes identity and calling. Throughout scripture, different people were given their names by God. Abram was given the name Abraham, meaning "Father of many nations." Jacob was given the name "Israel" which means "The one who wrestled with God" or "The Champion of God."

In the new testament, God gave Simon Barjona the name "Peter," meaning "The Rock."

In Matthew 16:17-18 it says: "And Jesus said to him, 'Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven..."

Here is something cool about this. From the passage above, look at the order of the events that take place. First, God blessed Peter. Second, He named Peter. Third, He Called Peter - Peter, you will be the rock of the church." Fourth, He equipped Peter. "I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven."

1) Blessing
2) Naming
3) Calling
4) Equipping

What is interesting is that God is not done giving out names. Today, I heard a guy preach who was of the native american nation. He was very Spirit-filled and had a powerful message. He told everyone that He had been given the name Awade meaning "Sky Hunter." This means that he is "One who sees vision." He is equipped with vision and will pass along vision all the days of his life.

This confirmed with me because I had heard God give me a name. He told me that my name is "Equipper." I don't know the full extent of this name but I understand that it is a calling to equip others to do what it is they were called to do. I understand that the name also has its roots in vision in that I am called to help other build their vision. I even speak this over my work situations. I have understood that my vision is to help other people build their visions.

Kind of crazy huh? God is an awesome God.

1 comment:

  1. It's so "ironic" (but not really 'cuz it's God!) that you post this. I've been longing lately to know my name in God. Not that my name isn't sufficient, but for that name and the meaning and purpose of it according to Him. I'm still praying, but I trust God will answer, and even pray that He does so "out of the blue" and confirms too.

    Knowing ourselves in God is more important than anything else! And after all, He made us and loves us with a love that surpasses all comprehension! :)
