Thursday, February 19, 2009

Two Images of Darkness

Original Date: 2/19/09

So, perhaps someone can help me interpret all these new images and stuff I've been getting. The images keep coming. Two times when I have been interceding for others, I have gotten picture in my mind that I can only imagine as demons. I don't know that I am actually seeing them, but I am getting a glimpse of what they look like. My mind doesn't normally ever even come up with images but the fact that 2 of these images came while I have been interceding is quite interesting to me.

Here is an image of creature 1:

I see 2 gleaming blue eyes. They are glowing almost with a ghostly glow. They have eyelashes above the eyes. There is no body but that of what would look like a ghost if it were black instead of white. Basically, it looks more like a shadow in the form of a ghost with eyelashes. The eyes are about the shape and form of human eyes except that they are just blue with no other color except black in the middle. They almost look seductive.

Here is an image of creature 2:

I see a very large red eye that has a black slit in the middle of it. This eye sits in what looks like a mouth. The mouth stays open and it has teeth that look like sharp razors. The mouth almost has a snake-like skin around it. It is not a snake though. It almost looks like an eye coming out of the side of a snake with sharp teeth around it. Above and below the snake-like sides is nothing but darkness.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not saying these are THE interpretations by any means, but is just what came to my mind...

    The first one makes me think of how the things of the world so try to seduce us away from what is TRUE reality - that is, God and intimacy in relationship with Him. We see it all the time in advertising--the world, whether consciously realizing it or not, takes advantage of the God-shaped hole inside of us, longing for wholeness, and as we see in this world, people attempt to fill that emptiness with things that don't satisfy, and only God can truly satisfy!

    The world truly tries to make people thing that money, material things, status/position, success, etc. will make you truly content, and seduction would be a good thing to call it as the world/sin/the enemy try to pull us into such. Praise God that He truly can satisfy and that He has overcome the world!

    That last one made me think of the tongue and how we have to be careful to be speaking words of life, love and truth according to the Lord, not words that curse, hate, lie or bring death. Anything spoken has an effect, and the enemy wants that effect to kill, steal and destroy, but we must seek to bring God's life, love, truth and blessing with all that we think or speak.

