So, the other day a formula was revealed to me. After that, another, and then another. So, I will start a blog with formulas. If you get one, comment on this blog and let's add them up for the sake of others. No pun intended. Ok, maybe a little.
Racism = Pride + Fear
Satan's Stronghold = (Satan's lies + Wounding + Sins) * (Repeated over time)
God's Fortress = (God's Truth + Armor of God + Love) * (Repeated over time)
Evil Authority = Dominance + Arrogance + Sake of Self
Godly Authority = Shepherd + Responsibility + Sake of Others
Life = (Focus on Kingdom) * (Time with God) - (Focus on Self) * (Time on Self)
"He must increase, I must decrease"
Monday, February 9, 2009
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keep writing! i love hearing different ways of how God speaks to people.