Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Captive to Commander

Original Date: 2/4/09

1. In the spiritual world, Satan wants to tell us a lie over and over so that we will eventually believe it. I wrote about this in the blog, "Counterfeit Confirmation." He will tell others lies to get them to believe certain things. He will tell someone a lie to get that person to tell another person the same lie.

2. So, here's a question: what would happen if the lies of Satan and his forces are then wound together with the wounding that others have caused us, and the sin that has entangled us? It becomes what is known as a stronghold.

(Lies + Wounding + Sin)(Repeated Over Time) = Stronghold!

3. So then, how should we think about a stronghold? Well, I look at it like this: A stronghold is designed as a military base to keep you held captive. You are chained by hands and feet, you are in a prison cell behind bars, you are guarded by an enemy soldier. But, what's cool is that most any work of the enemy is not his own creativity. Rather, it is a counterfeit of something God created. So, if Satan constructed the stronghold, what was God's original intention? That would be the fortress!

4. David said in Psalms over and over again that "God, you are my fortress and my deliverer." The fortress represents a refuge. It is a military installation that defends the people within. You are not only protected, but you have the weapons needed to defeat the enemy. You are also protected by other members of the army, including angels.

5. In fact, since we are given charge over angels, then we are commanders in the forces of God's army. So, then the question becomes: how do we go from captive to commander?

6. First, we have to get free. To get free, the stronghold has to be penetrated. Lies have to be replaced with truth. Wounding has to be healed. Sin has to be destroyed. Once we are free, then we must enter the fortress of God. We are then trained by the word of God and commissioned as a Commander. Exciting!

7. God has called us all to be commanders but we have to seek freedom in order to get there.

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