Monday, March 9, 2009

The Danger of Demanding Authority

So, I got convicted me of another thing the other day. I was in a place where I demanded authority - meaning, I demanded to be in a place higher than I was. I demanded to be the first and head. That is not what Christ came to do.

Mark 10:45
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many."

I believe it was Allen Smith who had said that Portals of Authority are opened by submission. That was so powerful to me. Authority is not given by rising above but by coming low with a servant's heart - by obedience and by being subject to rule and authority oneself. Jesus came to fulfill the law.

I believe it was Allen Smith who also made the comment that if each person in the church would operate in the faith that they've been given, then we would have a much more powerful church. I have recognized that I have operated in more faith than I've been given. By this, I mean that I had deceived myself in thinking at times that I was at a place that I really wasn't at. Hence, the art of pride.

I was also thinking about how Kim drew a picture of a teeter-totter the other day that was straight across. It wasn't up and it wasn't down. If we operate too far above faith, our heart is prideful. If we operate too far below faith, our hearts become doubtful. Satan will whisper to us in one of these areas. The goal then is to have a BALANCED LIFE.

I was convicted and at that moment I pictured my friend Robert. I greatly respect Robert because he is a man who is humble and does not demand that he be at the top. He hasn't demanded that others see things his way. He has a servant's heart, and because of this, I feel that God can open portals of authority for him. Robert, I have great respect for you my brother and friend! Thank you for being a part of my life and setting a Godly example.

In all this I learned several valuable lessons:

1) All authority is from God. God lends His authority to His people
2) In prayer, I am starting to pray that Christ lend the fullness of His authority to His people
3) In prayer, I am also asking that we come to that balance point where we stand in the full measure of the faith that God has given us
4) In prayer, I am asking that we would walk in humility so that Christ can reign supreme in His authority through us

Disclaimer: The contents of this message are to be prayed over and tested by prayer and scripture. The contents of any blogs written are my best understanding of any knowledge I obtain. The contents of this message may come from a variety of sources including, but not limited to: books I have read, words from God, words I have heard, memories, experiences, and my own imagination. I will do my best to give complete credit where it is due. It is my intention to share what knowledge I have gleaned from all available sources and "connect the dots" between those points of knowledge. God Bless!

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