Friday, January 30, 2009

Cool Spiritual Truths

Original Date: 1/30/09

1. We are called to be dead to this world. What can the world do to a dead man? It is impossible to be rejected, abused, taken advantage of, or be concerned with loss. If we went to the cross daily with everything, we would be the freest people.

2. Love that is not self-centered is not controlled by the fear of pain or loss.

3. Just as there is no dawn without darkness, there is no resurrection without death. There is no healing without hurt. There is no victory without battle.

4. Our mission is to conquer darkness. We do that with God's light. His light is love. His love is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was the example. His example was to live according to the Spirit. The spirit is our source to conquer the darkness. The vision is cyclical.

Darkness comes before the light

Original Date: 1/30/2009

So, my perspective has changed on trials. Rick Joyner's book is awesome by the way. I definitely recommend getting his stuff. So, here goes:

1. Genesis 1:5 - And there was evening and there was morning, one day. So, the point of this is that evening always comes before the morning. Or, there is darkness before the dawn.

2. This is the same in the spiritual realm - there is a period of darkness before the light. Oppression is usually the greatest before being set free."The great saints of Scripture usually went through a period of darkness before they were brought forth into the purposes of God."

3. The whole purpose for the contrast is to show the glory of God. God cannot show us His glory if there is not a contrast between good and evil. Again, why does darkness exist? To show God's light. Our testing is designed to bring us to a greater measure of faith and to purify our hearts.

4. There is a wilderness before there is a fulfilled promise. But, be careful and ready to go when God calls. If He calls you into a promise and you miss the appropriate time, it may be some time before you will get an open window again.

5. I saw an example of this the other day. There was a lady at a red light behind two other cars waiting to turn left. She wasn't ready when the light turned green. When she finally came to attention, the light had already changed and her chance to turn had passed. Now she would have to wait to go for a time.

6. Every trial in our lives is to do several things:

1. Conform us to the image of christ
2. Bring us to a place of maturity
3. Build our faith and hope in Him
4. Prepare us so that He can trust us with more authority to do the works He did.

7. Therefore, we should not shun trials but rejoice in them. We should see every test as an opportunity. We know that after darkness comes the light. We know that God is allowing the testing. We also know that God will not give us anything too big that we can't handle. So, we should welcome trials gladly. The trials help us attain the new measure of Faith and glory and maturity and authority that He has for us.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Deliverance from technology

Original Date: 1/29/09

I would like to confess an area of my life that I hadn't given over to God. God showed me that technology had been an area that was closed off to Him. It's kind of ironic - I work at Computers for Christ and yet it is my own love of technology that wasn't given to Him. So, through an act of worship today I relinquished some technology to Him and it was very freeing.

Raising the Spiritual Antennas

Original Date: 1/29/09

What is the purpose of an antenna? To detect, analyze, decode, and transmit a message of a signal.

1. That was the question and answer that came to my mind after a curious woman told me about a dream she had. She was flying all over the country and she told me that God wanted to show her something. Then, she started dreaming and she saw little antennas coming out from her head. She laughed and asked God what they were. God told her "I want you to raise your spiritual antennas."

2. Here's what was interesting. I was reading this morning in Rick Joyner's book, "50Days for a Firm Foundation" and he said something very similar - Paul had to have his eyes closed in the natural so that he could see in the spirit.

3. It struck me as unique because both I think it interesting that both images represented both seeing and hearing in the spirit.

4. God showed me something else today as well. In Matthew 9, scripture talks about how Jesus forgives a lame man of his sins. Afterwards, he heals the guy as well. What God showed me is that salvation and physical healing are the same thing. Walking a person through salvation is allowing Jesus to heal their spiritual being and healing is allowing Jesus to heal their physical body.

5. So, if we are so convinced in salvation, why are we not convinced in healing? In both situations, light is being turned on and darkness is destroyed, like turning on a light-bulb and the room illuminates. Physical sickness is simply a form of darkness that Christ wants to illuminate.

7. What God also showed me is that in the middle of this passage in Matthew 9, the pharisees say that Jesus blasphemes. Jesus says to them, "Why do you devise evil in your hearts?" That was a spiritual statement and not a natural statement. He had to have His spiritual antennas up to interpret the signal.

8. Lastly, think about the word focus. In science, I associate the word focus with a camera or a microscope. In either situation, you are magnifying what you are looking at. So then, for the spiritual realm, that which you focus on is that which you magnify. If you magnify darkness, you will make it bigger. If you magnify the light, you will make it bigger. Every human being is designed with the innate ability to magnify. The question is, what are you magnifying?

9. For my own personal life, when I magnify myself, then I don't allow any magnification for God. Not to mention that my righteousness is as filthy rags. So really, in actuality, I am magnifying filthy rags when I magnify myself.

10. I think the reason that there are not more healings are administered for one another today is that we have so overly magnified physical disease. Don't misunderstand me though, disease is a highly dreadful thing. However, think of it this way. When we were in our sins, all we have to do is help someone look at the light of Jesus and their sins are forgiven because the light switched is turned on. If you are ministering to the sick, help them look to the light with their physical body and not at the disease.

The Day's Praises

Original Date: 1/29/09

Ok, God is amazing. Wow, I am amazed at His love. Count your blessings, name them one by one! Count your blessings, see what God has done!

1. Blessing 1 - God knew that my heart was set upon a certain PC Study Bible that has about 2200$ worth of reference materials stored up in it. Through a series of events with Morningstar, I received the Study Bible for free.

2. Blessing 2 - I had not intended on purchasing the DVDs for the conference I went to this weekend. Through the same series of events listed in blessing 1, I received the DVD set for free.

3. Blessing 3 - I started working in a healing ministry at my church. Day 1, God shows up and allows me and 2 others to bless this woman that came in. She left with tears of joy in her eyes.

4. Blessing 4 - I show up to serve this healing ministry and as soon as I get there, a woman tells me she has seen me in a dream. She said that she saw me praying for her. As I prayed for her, I put my hand on her ear and oil began to pour forth from my hand into her ear. Immediately, she heard the word clarity. She said that the day after she dreamed that dream, she was praying with some people and got tremendous clarity from God on exactly how to pray, what to pray, and specific words of knowledge, encouragement, etc to give to the people she was praying with.

5. Blessing 5 - God has been allowing our business at Computers to Christ to grow almost to the point that we need another person. We are at the verge of implementing several new programs as well. We are praying that we will be able to generate enough income to be able to support some more jobs.

6. Blessing 6 - My mom talked to me tonight and said that she wanted tell me about a prayer she had prayed. Before I tell you the prayer, let me say that my biological father left my mother when I was very young. My Mom earnestly prayed to God and asked God if I could have a Godly father. God told her yes and He also told her that I would be called to a special purpose. She told me tonight that she saw me stepping into that purpose.

7. Blessing 7 - I have an inheritance in the kingdom of heaven!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What can you do with a single puzzle piece?

Cool new stuff. God abounds. Sanctification is awesome and I think that God showed me something today that has helped me to see how to be less self-centered. Woot! Cuz you know, I wrote the book on being self-centered: Me, Myself, and Don't Forget Me. I digress.

1. So anyways, God gave me some new revelation on "perspective." In some respects, perspective is everything. First, lets look at the greater powers perspective. Satan's perspective of you is that you are less than dirt, worthless, disgusting, ugly, brought low, etc. God's perspective of you is that you are cherished, loved, beautiful, worthy, lifted up, celebrated, etc.

2. The question is, which do you feel like more on a daily basis? With hurts in the world and the lies of Satan, you may be looking more through Satan's perspective than Gods. That's a scary thing to think.

3. Ok, now for our perspective. If we look around us and we see through the eyes of worry, despair, depression, worldly fear, doubt, and anxiety, then Satan is accomplishing his plans. I would equate these to chaos. God's plan is order: confidence, hope, joy, Godly fear, faith, and contentedness.

4. Now, let's go back to creation. The Holy Spirit hovered over the earth. That means that God's order rests above worldly chaos. Think of it like levels:

(Spirit) Order: confidence, hope, joy, Godly fear, faith, contentedness

.... Rests Over the ....

(Earth) Chaos: worry, despair, depression, worldly fear, doubt, anxiety

5. Looking up from a worldly perspective allows you only to see dark chaos. This robs you of your inheritance in Christ and is Satan's plan to suppress you. Seeing from the top down allows you to see everything from God's perspective. So, since we are on the earth, we have to reach up through the chaos and take hold of the order of God.

6. Also, what do you think about when you hear the word calling? I have struggled a long time trying to "figure" out what "MY" calling is. Well, I was wrong about this - it is not about my calling... it is about "Kingdom Purposes."

7. If I took one piece of a puzzle and examined it thoroughly, and examined it for a long time, I would still not ever know what that puzzle piece was for. Only if I looked at that puzzle piece in light of all other puzzle pieces, I would be able to understand the puzzle piece's exact placement.

8. That's how calling is. When you can see from God's perspective, you can see your Kingly role, your puzzle piece, how important you are, it's all tied in. You can't do any of this if you are looking at yourself and what you think are your problems. Focus on "Thy Kingdom Come" and you will not be dissapointed.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Teleportation in Scripture

Original Date: 1/26/2009

So, does human teleportation exist? I didn't think so. But some verses I read in scripture changed my thoughts on that.

1. Acts 8:38-40 says: "And he ordered the chariot to stop; and they bo0th went down into the water, Philip as well as the eunuch, and he baptized him. When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away; and the eunuch no longer saw him, but went on his way rejoicing. But Philip found himself at Azotus..."

2. You might think this might seem like stretching if you look back at verse 26 it says "But an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip saying, "Get up and go south to the road that descends from Jerusalem to Gaza." Azotus is on the coast west of Jerusalem. And, the two verses contrast in how he arrived at each destination.

I am the door

Original Date: 1/26/2009

So, I am still on spiritual ephedra from this weekend (Kingdom Business Conference). Woot! Anyways, God gave me some new stuff I wanted to share:

1. Jesus said He is the door - John 10:9 says "I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture" So, we all know that... but the question is... what exactly is Jesus the doorway to?

2. Of course, He is the salvation of the world but God showed me something more specific. The doorway itself represents salvation. However, the doorway leads you into something else. When you walk through the door of salvation, what is God leading you into?

3. God is leading you into the realm of the Spirit. Salvation was not just so that we would enter heaven but enter into the Spirit of God. The plan was that we would walk out of the earthly realm, through the door, and into the Spirit.

4. Paul talks about believers resisting the spirit. That would be like us closing the door that Jesus just opened to us.

5. The pasture in this verse points us back to the creation. In Genesis, when God created the earth, it was formless and void. It wasn't until the Spirit hovered over the earth and initiated by the word of God that the chaos was turned into order.

6. The Spirit turned a chaotic and desolate place into a place of life, beauty, and symmetry. When we walk through the Door of Jesus into the place of the Spirit, the Spirit can then turn our chaos into His order.

7. However, like a door, we can step in and out of this redemptive work. What is more amazing is that we not only walk in the Spirit, but the Spirit also can dwell in us.

8. One last thing is that I used to think that once you became a Christian that you were filled with the Holy Spirit. That is not what scripture says. Acts 8:16 says: "For He (the holy spirit) had not yet fallen upon any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. [There again, Jesus being the door]. Then they began laying their hands on them, and they were receiving the Holy Spirit."

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Consequences of a Bad Foundation

Original Date: 1/25/2009

This is a truncated version the "Building the Foundation" blog. I didn't want to read that whole thing so I'm sure you don't so here are the bullet points. These are the nuggets of knowledge that I received about the importance of the foundation and the consequences of not having a good one.

1. God took me through a series of circumstances and through seeking Him, I heard him tell me the word "Foundations." "Foundations" are the backbone of character and all that God can do through you.

2. In 1 Corinthians 3:11 it says: For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each man’s work will become evident; for the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will test the quality of each man’s work. If any man’s work which he has built on it remains, he will receive a reward. If any man’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.

3. Basically, your quality of character will be tested. So, expect the test. If you fail the test, your character will be burned up and you will have to start over again. So, start with God.

4. “A temptation is designed to bring out the worst in you, but a test is designed to bring out the best in you.” Every new level you reach in Christ will be tested by Satan. God allows this to refine your character.

5. Being "Double-minded" is also having a bad foundation. Even if part of you is rested on Jesus and the other is not, the house will still collapse.

6. The Fear of the Lord is the beginning (or "Foundation") of Wisdom. If you fear God you will fear nothing else. If you don't fear God, you will fear everything else.

7. Matthew 7:18 says: “A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits.” What I got from this passage is that the foundation is laid so that you will produce good fruit. Without the end in sight, you don't know what you are aiming at.

A New Theology

I got some new insight today (4 nuggets of insight) that totally rocked my theology. I got this from 2 sources: the bible and a new book I am reading called "50 Days For a Firm Foundation" (Rick Joyner) If you want to learn more about why Foundations are so important to me, read the blog "Building the Foundation."

So, check this out:

1. "The word gives you the inheritance." Acts 20:32 says: ...The word of His grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified. What's really cool about this verse is that the word (the bible) is the medium by which you receive your inheritance. It is what gives you your inheritance. How can you receive the inheritance of God without reading what all God has given to you? Secondly, the Word is what builds you... the Word literally builds you. I find that amazing.

2. Genesis 1:1... In the beginning God... Those four words are the foundation of everything. God leads the way, God is the source, God is the beginning. Everyone knows that but I got a bigger grasp of why that is so important. Rick Joyner says in his book that: The strength of a foundation will determine the magnitude of what can be built upon it. The depth to which we understand this one truth about our origin can determine the spiritual strength of our entire life.

3. How we begin our day will probably determine the quality of our day. So, if you begin your day with God, you can rest assured that the quality will be greater.

4. "We are co-laborors with Christ." Why is this so important? I used to think that I was doing everything for God and that God was doing work through me. Really, in actuality, I am not doing it alone. I can do it with God. Not only can I be filled with the Holy Spirit, but I can also work right next to Christ. So, for those of you who do not believe that healing can not happen, do not believe that Jesus healed in biblical times. Because, if Jesus healed then, he heals now. If I am praying right next to Christ, then He can show me right then and there that a healing can be performed because He is working right there next to me.

Random Thoughts from 2008

Original Date: 5/19/2008

It hit home today. James 4:8 - Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. He will show you some amazing new things when you draw near to him.

"With a new level of knowledge comes a new level of commitment."

God showed me a little nugget about destiny and one's calling:

Here's how it works (not necessarily in this order):

1. God gives you your name - An example of this is when God gave Simon his name Peter in John 1:42.

2. God gives you your position - Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher as demonstrated in Ephesians 4:11

3. God gives you your destiny - An example of this is when God told Peter that he would build the church through him. Matthew 16:18

4. God gives you the keys to the kingdom - As in Matthew 16:19.

Nugget 3725: Having the keys to the kingdom of heaven allows access to the throne room of God. Revelations 4 talks about the entry of one into the throne room of God and what that looks like.

However, in the preceding chapter, Revelations 3 talks about discipline and the concept of "overcoming" as being pivotal to the access to the throne. So, for the believer, the access point to exponential sanctification comes through an increased level of obedience and commitment by overcoming the battles of life.

Building The Foundation

Original Date: 8/6/2008

Wow! God is absolutely amazing and works in very crazy and inspiring ways. I would like to share with you guys something that God has been doing in my life over the past year. I would also like to first thank an unnamed friend of mine whose radical prayers have helped me see so much more of God. Without this person in my life, I would never have gone through the journey that I am about to describe. So, thank you friend.

About a year ago, several situations that arose in my life that led me into more prayer time with God. It’s funny how that works. As I prayed in the Spirit for release of more of His presence in my life, God gave me one word: Foundations. I had no clue what to think of it. I did not know that that one word would take me on a journey deeper into the mind of Christ. I also did not know that that word would follow me on a course throughout an entire year and everywhere I would go I would see or hear it.

I thought that the first implications of the word “Foundations” were obvious: that God was going to point to something that had to do with the ground level of something He wanted to build. However, questions started coming to my mind. What did He want to build? What was the reason for the focus on the foundation? Why was the ground level of critical importance? And what did the foundation represent in my life?

So, I looked in scripture to see if I could find out more about what God means by the word “Foundations.” At this point I thought about the verse in Matthew that says: “And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock.” I understood that the rock represented God and building our life upon Him. However, I knew that God was revealing more than that.

As I searched more, God led me to the verses talking about the consequences of not having a good foundation. In 1 Corinthians 3:11 it says:

For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each man’s work will become evident; for the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will test the quality of each man’s work. If any man’s work which he has built on it remains, he will receive a reward. If any man’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.

I realized that at that point there was something in my life that was to be tested. I knew that testing was required. I had recalled the quote that “A temptation is designed to bring out the worst in you, but a test is designed to bring out the best in you.” What was God trying to bring out? What was God trying to show me? What was my test?

Well, I found out the hard way. I failed the test. The test was a series of circumstances that required a committed determination on God to do things His way. Luke 6:49 says: “But the one who has heard and has not acted accordingly, is like a man who built a house on the ground without any foundation; and the torrent burst against it and immediately it collapsed, and the ruin of that house was great.”

Now, obviously we all fail by not doing things God’s way resulting in sin, but I realized there was a particular lesson God wanted me to learn. I realized at that point that there was a “foundations” concept that He wanted me to learn. I realized that God warns against being “double-minded” for that results in being unstable in your ways. A house built on a correct foundation does not move whereas a house built on a faulty foundation is unstable.

What I also realized at that point was that I was dealing with an unstable foundation within the courses of my mind. I was emotional and my thoughts would drift as quickly as my emotions. My decisions would then drift as quickly as my thoughts. I had no groundwork on which to base my decisions. I was not grounded so I was not firm. Basically, I needed some tweaking to my character and morals because of the improper construction of my foundation.

Well, God has been working on me. One evidence of this is how he has been working on my tendency to sway in emotional situations, particularly with work. As I was praying one day, he led me to hear an amazing quote: If you fear God, you will fear nothing else. If you don’t fear God, you will fear everything else.

Up until recently, I hadn’t given much thought into the concept of foundations until I was praying when God led me to a particular scripture. Matthew 7:18 says: “A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits.” As I was thinking and praying after reading this verse, God gave me a message that said: “The fruit from the seed of darkness is always questionable but the fruit from the seed of righteousness is always confirmed.”

This totally floored me and I was amazed that I heard it. I thought about what it meant though. It is talking about the revelation of true character. The "Foundation" is the basis for your character.

Blessed Beginnings

Original Date: 1/25/2009

Wow, God works in mysterious ways, doesn't He? I've never really done blogging before but a chance conversation with a guy a couple of weeks ago changed my perspective on the idea. In this conversation, God had given me some words of knowledge and advice that captivated him. In fact, he asked me if I ever wrote my thoughts down because he wanted to learn more. Quite frankly, it blew me away. In fact, it humbled me because I didn't think God would use me like that. I just felt extremely blessed that God would opened the opportunity to sew into this guy's life.

So, based on that conversation, I decided to start a blog dedicated to sharing any words of knowledge that I learn along the way and write it here in this blog. I decided to name this blog "Kingdom Kronicles." I feel that teaching any information that I have received will help me not to forget what I've learned. Because, if you know anything about me, I have had a tendency to forget. Well, here we go...